If you are running ads on Tiktok and your product has good CPM. That’s usually a cost per thousand impressions of less than $6.
If you have a good CPC, which is usually a cost per click of $1 or less.
However, you have a bad CTR, which is usually a Click through rate of below 2.5%. In this case a 0.3% CTR, what you should do is Test different Creatives and targeting.
If an ad has spent up to $5 and has a CTR of less than 2.5% while testing, we recommend turning the ad off and allowing ads with better performance to run.
You may ask why we say less than 2.5% is bad? There is no industry standard for these things. You can be profitable with a CTR of less than 2.5% and we explain why that is possible in this Article
However a CTR of 2.5% is very possible and achievable on the average. Most advertisers with the right creatives and targeting can achieve an average CTR 2.5%
More so, the higher the number of people you can get to visit your store, the higher probability of people that can buy your product.
Also, when testing your product, you need to test for ads that have good performance because good performance generally means that you have a higher chance at conversion.
When you have a low CTR, it means less people are clicking to your site. The primary reason is often that your creative is not engaging or you’re targeting the wrong audience.
It could also be that the Tiktok algorithm is still trying to figure out the right audience for you.
So, Test different Creatives and targeting options and turn off ads with low CTR.
We recommend turning off low CTR ads if the ad has spent a budget of $5 or more.