When you run ads on Tiktok, it can sometimes be too slow to see results. Your ads may spend slowly, your reach may come slowly at some hours of the day and some other hours of the day, your ads might perform better.
You might be watching the clock tick, wondering why your Tiktok ads aren’t getting results faster. This slowness can drag down to everything; slow to ad impressions, slow to get sales, slow to become profitable.
If you’re wondering if there is a way to speed things up, if there is a way to get lots of ad impressions quicker, if there is a way to test your products quicker, if there is a way to get sales quicker and become profitable quicker?
Yes, there is and that’s what we will be showing you in this Article.
You might be thinking that this will cost you thousands of advertising budgets to get quicker results. The good news is while it takes money to advertise on Tiktok, with the method I’m going to be showing you in this Article, you can control your maximum ad spend.
Nevertheless, with this method you will get quicker results from your Tiktok ads. Quicker ad reach, quicker sales and quicker profitability.
Now let’s dive into it.
Step by step Tiktok ads strategy that gets you quicker results
- Get ready with the right product, offer and creative;
Remember in advertising the most important things are your product, your offer and your creatives. so let’s assume you have a marketable product with a great offer and an appealing creative.
Also it’s important to already have a website, which is preliminary. I understand that as a new e-commerce Entrepreneur, you may be tempted to spend all year creating your store, custom branding your product and all that. While these are good steps, I do not recommend that you should focus obsessively on that at the beginning.
You just have to build a decent website, I have a free course where I show you how to build a Shopify or Woocommerce website. When you make your first few sales and understand your product and customers better, then you can start to pay attention to custom product branding, improving your website and all that.
In e-commerce tweaking a website never stops.. it’s a business-lifelong process. So, at the start, don’t get overly obsessed with this, just design a decent website and move on to getting your first few sales.
Put your focus in the right place- sales!
- set up a regular Tiktok ad and let it run for a day, observe what time of the day your ads perform the best.
In step 2, you’ll set up a regular Tiktok ad and observe what time of the day your ads are getting the most impression.
If you don’t know how to set up a regular Tiktok ad, you can check out our video guide.
You can skip this step if you already know the time of the day when people are more engaged in your product content. For example if you have been promoting your product to your target audience organically for some time, you may already have taken note of the time period when people are more engaged with your product content.
Noting this time slot is important for the next steps.
Generally most users are engaged on Tiktok between 11.30am -1:30pm and 8pm-10pm their local time.
However, since the product and target audience of each advertiser is different from the next advertiser. you should invest the time to know your audience’s most engaged time periods for viewing your product creatives.
Therefore, I will recommend running a regular Tiktok campaign for at least one full day to note the time slots when your ads are getting the most impressions.
- Implement the bully Tiktok advertising method.
The “bully method” is a term coined by Youtuber named Franky Shaw. This is a method that’s been known in the e-commerce advertising space for a while but we believe Franky Shaw made interesting contributions to this method and gave it the name “Bully method”, which we prefer to call this strategy.
So what’s the bully method about? you may ask. Well, it’s about out bidding your competitors in the auction. Causing Tiktok to prioritize your ads resulting in quicker results for your campaign. You use day parting and ads-pausing to control your ads spend.
Getting confused? No worries. I can hear your complaints. Let me break this down for you!
This is how to implement the Tiktok ads bully method, step by step;
- Set a high campaign budget. Not less than $1,000. So you can set the campaign budget to be $2000, $5000 or even $10,000.
- Have one adset in the campaign, set the adset limit to at least $200. You can have the ad set limit set to $500 or even $1000.
- Set up an ad running in the “day-parted”. The time slots of the ad should be the time (1-2 hours) periods where your ads get the most impressions. This is why it is important to be aware of the time slots when your audience are most engaged in your product creatives..
- If your ads perform well in multiple time slots. for example; 11.30am -1:30pm and 8pm-10pm. then you should set up multiple ads running in the “day-parted” for each of these time slots.
- under the bid setting, use “cost cap” and enter the suggested bid cap amount.
- under the delivery type option; set delivery to “accelerated” then publish your ad.
If you notice that your ad isn’t spending at all or is slow, troubleshoot by increasing your bid by $2 – $5 every 10 mins until your ads start to run.
If your ads don’t run even after increasing your bid amount then troubleshoot by changing your delivery type from accelerated to standard delivery.
You might begin to wonder what is the point of the bully method, what are you trying to archive here?
You basically want to trick Tiktok systems into thinking you want
to spend a lot of campaign budget (i.e $10k) in only 1-2 hours. Therefore, Tiktok will try to get through your budget super fast. You’ll outbid everyone else in the ‘auction’.
When you run ads on Tiktok, there is automatically an auction between your ads impression and other advertisers. In this auction you are competing with other advertisers who are selling products that are similarly priced and offered to the same audience you’re targeting.
This is why if your budget is too low, your ads may not spend. If you want to learn more about Tiktok auction and bid caps testing, you can check out this Article.
When using the bully method, Your budget will spend really fast within your desired time slot.
To control your ads spend, when you set up ads using the billing method, you have to vigilantly watch the ads. If you intend to only spend $50, watch the ads and make sure to pause the ads when you have spent $50.
If you don’t watch your ads, since Tiktok thinks you have a high budget to spend within a short time, your ads will keep spending and depending on your Tiktok billing method, you may find that you become indebted to Tiktok for an amount you didn’t plan on spending in the first place.
So watch your ads and pause it after you’ve spent your actual budgeted amount.
Benefits of Tiktok bullying method advertisement strategy
The biggest benefits of Tiktok bullying method ads strategy is that you get a lot of ad impressions in a short time and you out bid your competitors in the action.
Your ads impression comes faster, your sells come faster and your profitability comes faster as well.
You are able to control your ads by pausing your ads after a desired ad spend. This gives you room to analyze your ad metrics, understand your ad performance and targeted audience.
Disadvantage of Tiktok bullying method ads strategy
The disadvantage of Tiktok ads bullying method is the constant alertness.
In the online space advertisers like to chill and relax and allow the programmed systems to do their job, however with the bullying method, you have to be alert. You have to watch your ads constantly because it’s going to be spending super fast.
If you are not very vigilant with the bullying method, you can easily over spend your actual desired budget.
Our recommendation
We definitely recommend using the bullying method if you want to quickly test a product using Tiktok ads. The bullying method helps you get a lot of data in a short while about your product.
If you’d like to see our alternative less aggressive and scalable Tiktok ads testing method, then check out this Article.